This is a whole lot easier now I have some “learnings” from making the Booty Goldfish Game.
Build The Scene
All the set-up is identical to Building The Scene from the Goldfish Game, I’m simply loading the West Bank assets instead and painting the canvas a different colour.
constructor() {
// Set the starting number of player lives.
this.lives = 3;
// Holds the bandits.
this.bandits = [];
// Simply because I've made the assets use scale 4 in the disassembly.
this.gameScale = 4;
preload() {
// Preload the bandit assets.
for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
// There are four frames for each bandit.
for (let f = 1; f <= 4; f++) {
this.load.image(`bandit-${i}-${f}`, `/images/westbank/bandit-${i}-${f}.png`);
// Preload the score/ lives assets.
const uiElements = ['score-text', 'lives-text', 'lives'];
uiElements.forEach(element => {
this.load.image(element, `/images/westbank/${element}.png`);
create() {
// Add the "sky".
this.add.rectangle(0, 3 * 8 * this.gameScale, config.width, 8 * 12 * this.gameScale, 0x00C6C5).setOrigin(0, 0);
// Add the "grass".
this.add.rectangle(0, 15 * 8 * this.gameScale, config.width, 8 * 4 * this.gameScale, 0x00C600).setOrigin(0, 0);
// Add the "footer" images.
this.add.image(8 * 1 * this.gameScale, config.height - 8 * 3 * this.gameScale, 'score-text').setOrigin(0, 0);
// The "off-by-one" here is due to (oddly) one of the assets has some blank space above the lettering.
this.add.image(8 * 17 * this.gameScale, config.height - 8 * 4 * this.gameScale, 'lives-text').setOrigin(0, 0);
// Cycle through the remaining lives and print an icon for each one in the footer.
for (let i = 1; i <= this.lives; i++) {
this.add.image(8 * (21 + i * 2) * this.gameScale, config.height - 8 * 4 * this.gameScale, 'lives').setOrigin(0, 0);
// Create the bandit sprites.
for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
const bandit = this.add.sprite(
8 * ((i * 9) - 2) * this.gameScale,
8 * 12 * this.gameScale,
// Add the frames.
bandit.frameNames = [
// Add to the bandits array.
// Let's just play the animation over and over for now.
this.bandits.forEach((bandit, index) => {
key: `bandit-${index + 1}-anim`,
frames: => ({ key: frameName })),
frameRate: 2,
repeat: -1
});`bandit-${index + 1}-anim`);
And this is how it looks:
This is so much simplier than before, as there are no physics involved - just managing timers, collecting keypresses and displaying animations.