Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the bonus duelling level from the ZX Spectrum game West Bank.
Controls handling.
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the bonus duelling level from the ZX Spectrum game West Bank.
The bandits all draw at different timings, so I’ll handle that here.
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the bonus duelling level from the ZX Spectrum game West Bank.
The finished game! Not 100% accurate, but close enough - enjoy!
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the bonus duelling level from the ZX Spectrum game West Bank.
The game uses a double height “font” and this means I can’t use the (handy) ZX Spectrum unicode font from the Goldfish Game.
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the bonus duelling level from the ZX Spectrum game West Bank.
This is how I’ve created the countdown to the duel starting.
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the bonus duelling level from the ZX Spectrum game West Bank.
This is how I’ve created the scene where the duel takes place.
Continuing on with 180 having some really pro-level coding, it also has speech in it!! Incredible given it’s a budget game and that the speech works on the 48K Spectrum beeper!
I’d love to know how they achieved this cheaply enough for it to not be a full priced game.