Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
All the final bits and bobs ready to create the finished game!
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
Adding the annoying sound effects.
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
Here we’ll deal with generating the goldfish which the player has to collect.
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
The game has an air bar which constantly decreases. You don’t actually “die” in the game, just lose your collected fish - so you have to make sure to refill your air at the surface (which we’ll cover later).
For now, let’s just make the air bar and add an event timer so it decreases.
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
The player is pretty uncomplicated, we’ll deal with the oxygen and bubbles later.
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
Implementing an accurate ZX Spectrum font!
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
The enemies are pretty uncomplicated, they only move right and have four frames of animation.
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
Implementing an accurate ZX Spectrum font!
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
This is how I’ve created the sand at the bottom of the sea.