As I’ve mentioned before, I love a budget game, mostly for “budgetary reasons” I suppose… As paper round money doesn’t stretch far.
So, it was always exciting when a new budget game hit the shelves, I’m not entirely sure why younger me was drawn to 180 - I don’t know that I’d ever even played darts at that age. I can imagine I probably was swayed by the review in Crash magazine!
Anyways, this is such a great game! It is unfortunately possible to get quite accurate with where the darts land - but it’s still a very nice darts experience.
In what might be a bit of a surprising purchase for an 11 year old, I can remember going into the game shop in Romford and specifically asking to buy a “good” poker game. I can’t even remember why I was so attracted to poker but I can recall watching a lot of late-night poker on TV as a teenager so something must have triggered it in my childhood, and I guess I just wanted to give it a go myself.
Regardless, the guy offered me this and it’s pretty inappropriate for an 11 year old but the 80’s were just a different time! 😆
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
The finished game! Not 100% accurate, but close enough - enjoy!
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
All the final bits and bobs ready to create the finished game!
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
Adding the annoying sound effects.
Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.
Here we’ll deal with generating the goldfish which the player has to collect.